National Property Conference Recap

During our recent collaboration with the Australian Property Institute, our team had the opportunity to present our data platform at the National Property Conference in Gold Coast. The experience provided us with invaluable industry knowledge.

Highlights from the National Property Conference (NPC):

1. Economic Update:
Jarek Kowcza from St George Bank gave insights into Australia’s economic future. He believes our economy will grow, though maybe slower than usual. The good news is, he doesn’t see a recession coming our way. A big question mark hangs over how Aussies will use the money saved during the COVID-19 times.

2. The Housing Development Landscape:
Rob Flux, the brain behind Property Developer Network and Development Sites Australia, talked about the government’s big goal: building 1.2 million homes in five years. The journey won’t be smooth, with issues like worker shortages, tricky building steps, and climbing building costs.

3. What’s the Government Up To?
Our government is really paying attention to the higher building costs and not enough workers. They’re bringing in new ideas to get more rental homes built, especially focusing on build-to-rent.

4. Spotlight on Industrial Property:
Who knew? Industrial property, once not so popular, is now a big deal. Limited land and high building costs are to blame. South Sydney’s the place to watch – it’s buzzing with activity and investors are keen.

5. All About Build-to-Rent (BTR) Developments:
BTR homes are seen as a way to get more houses out there. But Belinda Botzolis from Add Valuer says we shouldn’t think of it as the only fix for affordable homes. We need to think about empty homes and the ever-changing housing market.

6. BTR Valuation – Not So Simple:
Allan Romaniuk, a big name in the industry, walked us through the tricky bits of valuing BTR properties. It’s not just about the numbers. You’ve got to know what you’re valuing, how it’s sold, and what extras come with it.

7. A Peek into the Future with AI:
Amanda Johnstone wrapped up the conference with a deep dive into what’s next with artificial intelligence. From our daily lives to making businesses run smoother, AI’s potential is exciting.

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